Against The Grain – A Penny For Your Thought

Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway is the new University of Memphis basketball coach. Can Penny save Memphis basketball?

Last week The Memphis Tigers hired Penny as their new head coach. “This is truly a blessing,” Penny said after being formally introduced as the the Tigers’ new coach. “To be able to come back and coach your alma mater, in your hometown, it’s a dream come true.”


Penny is most known for his NBA career in the mid-1990s. Due to injuries his career was cut short. Now in his new role Penny will be able to teach collegiate players the game of basketball.


“It’s a realistic expectation because I hope I’ve left a lasting impression on every kid I’ve coached in the past [and that they] want to continue their careers with me,” Penny said. Some don’t consider basketball coaches teacher. Even though coaches don’t give out homework or have quizzes/test; they have give valuable life lessons to their players.

Teachers are some of the most self-less, giving, caring individuals in our world. Their goals and ambitions are in seeing their students succeed in life and many of us have our teachers to thank for where we are.


Jesus is also a teacher of ours. In John 13:13  He says “You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.”

Jesus was speaking to his disciples here in this verse, as he was washing their feet. They were resisting his act of service, so he reminds them that he came to lead them while following the Father’s commands. Jesus was the perfect teacher, and although as human beings we can never reach perfection, we need to recognize and be proud of the calling he has given each one of us as teachers.


Speak words of encouragement and thankfulness to the teachers you know and it will make a difference in their day.


By David Robinson

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